Very Large Ammonite Fossil.  Cleoniceras. Large. 153mm.  Cut and Polished.  Two Halves. Whole.  Tulear.  Madagascar.

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Way more than a simple decor piece!


Ammonites are anywhere from 75 to 450 million years old.  Their closest living relatives are:  octopus, squid, cutterfish and the chambered Nautilus.  Ammonites got their name from the spiral shape . . .  resembling tightly coiled rams’ horns.  Pliny the Elder, a Roman author and philosopher (around 70 AD0, named these fossils “ammonis cornua”  after the Egyptian god Amman . . .  depicted wearing ram’s horns.  Need to know information.


This type of ammonite is most likely Cleoniceras….with a smooth shell and angled segments.
The Madagascar families who mine these fossils are hard working.  The men do the digging and rough surface mining.  It is hot, sweaty and back-breaking work.  The entire family meet at a warehouse where they cut – with a diamond saw – the ammonite down the middle  . . .   then highly polish both the inside and outside.  The process takes up to 6 hours per fossil.


Look at the colors and crystal cavities in each of the segments.


A quality wood stands are included.


This Item has SOLD.  Thanks M.S. !