Tang Dynasty – styled Court Lady.  Unglazed Pottery.  Iconic.  China.

s_4486_21 s_4486_22 s_4486_23 s_4486_24 s_4486_25 Tang Dynasty – styled Court Lady.  Unglazed Pottery.  Iconic.  China.

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Plump Tang Dynasty court ladies is the most iconic Tang Dynasty ceramic types.  This “plump” style, with flowing gowns, flourished during this time.  It is said that these aesthetic tastes might have been influenced by the Emperor Ming Huang and his favorite concubine.


This is a tomb figure molded in the form of a court lady.  Hair in a bun – with a long robe – the statue is coated with a very thin layer of nearly white or buff coloring with hints of copper, iron and cobalt oxide pigments.


It is very hard to determine age even though I purchased the statue from a reputable antique dealer in Beijing.  But, I would say this piece is from the mid 1900s.   The reasoning is that the pigments are slowly flaking off the unglazed surface.


For the Serious Collector.