Rare Old Asmat Tribal Cassowary Bone Claw Dagger. Papua. New Guinea. Indonesia

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Typical of the tribal thigh bone daggers used in ceremonial and ritualistic events.  These are made from the thigh bone of a Cassowary, a large flightless bird.  The head – or joint – is decorated  in a woven hood with braids of  coix beads and cassowary feathers bundled by cord.

What makes this dagger rare is the fact that on the tip of the bone is a claw of a Cassowary.

These old daggers date back to headhunting days and more recently by game hunters.

Other similar daggers on the site are from Papua New Guinea.  This one is from Papua, the land mass on the western half of New Guinea.

Acquired from a private collection.  For the Serious Collector.

This item is no longer available.