Old Solid Sandstone Parvati. Gauri.  Bust.  Head.  India

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Parvati is a Hindu goddess of fertility, love, beauty, marriage, children and devotion.  Add to that:  divine strength and power . . .  which seems to sum up what is positive in the world today.


The relevant thing to know is that Parvati is the wife of Shiva (supreme protector, evil destroyer and re-generator of the universe and all life).  With this spousal title, she exudes the energy and power of Shiva, connecting all beings and provides a means of spiritual release.  Hindu temples are dedicated to her and Shiva.  Quite a powerful force.


This bust/head was created by an artisan near a Mandore temple in Jadhpur Rajasthan.  It is a solid piece of sandstone.


A stone tile is included, if you wish to have it.  Just request it.


This is truly a STUNNING bust.