The Bakongo people of Africa practice a religion that blends African shamanic beliefs with other black magic practices known as Palo Mayombe. It is believed that this practice is the most powerful and feared. Such beliefs traveled – through slavery – to the Americas, especially the Caribbean and into South America.
Nkisi refers to the spiritual nature of the figure where nkondi refers to the power of the figure itself. Spiritual and religious specialists – along with these figures – become the village protector, legal expert, healer of the sick, revengers and are even able to end disasters.
This particular nkisi nkondi is similar to the style of the late 19th century. Large eyes, broad nose and full lips.
The power that these figures have is derived from medicinal substances put in cavities cut into the stomach area. As you can see this statue has either glass or mica in this area. Such medicines attract the spirit power and – in turn – the power is used on behalf of the owner or client of the figure. The power can be either negative or positive.
For the Serious Collector. Stand not included.
This item has sold. Thanks C.R. !