Ramesses II, reigning from 1279 – 1212 B.C., was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Despite a difficult start to his rule, he used diplomacy, a massive building program and endless propaganda to become the greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom (Ancient Egypt’s Golden Age).
He came to the throne at 15 and brought his family’s military skills with him. The Egyptian empire was under threat from the Hittites (based in today’s Turkey).
I purchased this from an avid Collector in Luxor City who acquired it at a private auction house in 1969. He has certified that he is the owner of this piece, and it took a lot of paperwork to get it to me.
Condition is good with worn places and a few minor scratches.
For the Serious Collector. Rare for the 14” size.
This Item has SOLD! Thanks C.R. !