Large Brass Reclining Buddha. Thailand

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There is a story behind the posture.  Reclining Buddhas come in two forms and each have a different story depending on the right arm position.  If the right arm is positioned along side of the Buddha, then the significance is that the Buddha has passed away at the age of 80 and is entering Nirvana.

However, in this case, the right hand is supporting the head which signifies that the Buddha is resting.  The story is based on Buddha meeting the giant Asurindarahu who wanted to see  – but not bow down before – the Buddha. The Buddha appeared larger than the giant while lying down, and then showed him all of heaven and all of the heavenly figures that were larger than the giant, thus humbling him.  That’s the short version.

This detailed 22” brass Buddha is from a private estate outside Bangkok Thailand.

This item has been sold.  Thank you M.E.