Egyptian Museum Quality Replica. Ushabti. Shabti. Funerary Statue / Sculpture. Egypt / Australia.

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This is a detailed replica of a Ushabti – aka Shabti – a funerary statue or figure placed in tombs in ancient Egypt.  Such figures were intended to act as substitutes for the deceased, should he/she be called upon to do manual labor in the afterlife.

The hieroglyphic text inscribed by the sculptor reads:  O’ this shabti, if the Osiris Yuya (name of the deceased) is required for any work that is to be done yonder in the netherworld, or an unpleasant task/obstacle is imposed upon him there as a man at his duties, here I am you shall say.  If you are detailed at any time to serve there, to cultivate the fields, to irrigate the riverbanks, to ferry sand from the east to the west, here I am you shall say.

This piece is a solid statue made from a mix of  limestone and quartzite with deep and earthly ochre tones. Ancient figures were made from wood (Sha-wab).  Later, however, they were made of clay, glass, plaster and stone . . .  whatever the family could afford.  Sometimes there were only a couple in the tomb, some had a Shabti for each day of the year . . .  again, whatever the family could afford.

The creator/sculptor of this piece is from Australia.  His specialty is works-of-art from the ancient past . . . primarily Egypt.  He has and does have art commissions from all over the world.  Very talented.  Check out his other pieces on my site.

Cracks are common and not considered a defect.

I originally purchased this piece for my own collection but I want to spread this art to EsotericStuff followers and friends.  The glass stand is not included.