The Konark temple – located in the small town of Konak, Puri district, state of Odisha, India – was conceived in the 13th Century as a huge and colossal stone chariot drawn by a team of seven horses depicted in the galloping mode. The horses were positioned in a way that the Sun God (Surya) himself drives this chariot. The Konarak temple – on the coast by the Bay of Bengal – also marks the culmination of the temple building architecture in Orissa.
This handmade caparisoned / riderless horse was stamped from metal and handpainted. It represents one of the seven chariot horses (Gayatri, Brihati, Ushnih, Jagati, Trishtubha, Anushtubha, and Pankti).
It is a stately, colorful and gorgeous one-of-a-kind sculpture.