Kudus – the largest species of antelope – are woodland antelopes that are found throughout eastern and southern Africa. Unfortunately, their populations are dwindling.
The horns of a male Kudu have 2.5 twists and – when straightened – the average length is 47” . . . up to a record length of 74”. This horn is approximately 41+ inches.
What makes this so special is that a herd of elephants is carved in the horn.
There is a small section that either has a missing section or an opening was carved completely though the horn. I have tried to show that section in the photos although it took me a while to find that section.
Regardless, the horn – with its wood base – is quite old and in good condition. It would make a stunning addition to your east/south African mask or weapon collection.
Very rare carved horn. For the Serious Collector.
If you are looking for an exotic mask, check out the EsotericStuff section of masks.
This item has been sold. Thanks. M. K. !