Authentic Anubis Ashabti.  Shabtis.  Statue.  Figure. Egypt.

S_8953_01 S_8953_02 S_8953_03 S_8953_04 Authentic Anubis Ashabti.  Shabtis.  Statue.  Figure. Egypt.

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Anubis is one of the most prominent and mystical gods of ancient Egypt. He was known since the earliest periods in the history of the civilization . .  first mentioned during the First Dynasty period.  In ancient Egyptian language, he was called Anpu or Inpu.  This name has the root as the words meaning:  a royal child and to decay.


Yep, he was the god of the dead (aka lord of the dead), represented by a jackal or the figure of a man with the head of a jackal.  Other titles are:  god of mummification, underworld, afterlife, embalming and caretaker of the dead.


Acquired from a private collector.  1290- 1275 BC.  Intact in original condition, no repairs or restoration.

This item has SOLD.  Thank you R.M.  !!!!