Wonder who used this over 100 years ago?
Wings of a bird and body of a lion…. the description of a sphinx in Greek mythology. The sphinx apprears in the legends, myths and dramas of Oedipus . . . by poets like Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Aeschylus and Euripides.
In addition to the two sphinxes guarding the inkwell, there are deeply engraved panels of Greek scenes with filigree, flurries and flairs surrounding . . . plus deep engraving in on around the pen holder tray as well as the back of the wells. One panel (left) is an artist; on the right, a sculptor. I magnified each for a better view of the detail.
Two green glass inserts for each of the wells with well-sealed lids on each.
Tray provides ample room for pens, pencils, sharpies and feathers.
Purchased from a desk-specific antique collector who claims it is from the mid- to late-1800s.
Cast in France. In great condition.